About Bright Steps Forward
Therapy Learning Center

Bright Steps Forward also operates a fully accredited Therapy Learning Center for children with special needs that serves children from kindergarten through 12th grade. Students attending Bright Steps Forward come from educational environments where their needs were not being met and they were unable to thrive. Our student population is diverse –some are on the autism spectrum, some have only physical impairments and others have cognitive limitations. Unlike public school classrooms, the class sizes in our center are small and children are grouped according to their needs. Our teachers and practitioners evaluate each student to discover their own natural strengths and prepare curriculum to achieve their maximum potential.
Bright Steps Forward's academic program follows the Sunshine State Standards and we include other programs to enrich the curriculum. We accept Step Up for Students and McKay Scholarships.
What sets our Therapy Learning Center apart from other special needs programs is our ability to provide intensive ABA, PT, OT and speech therapies during the day so that each child can blossom socially, physically as well as cognitively.

Every child is a miracle waiting to happen if they just get the chance.
To learn more about Bright Steps Forward and how you can help,
please contact us or call (954) 376-3911.