Bright Steps Forward has created a unique new fundraising program for families worldwide who cannot afford the myriad of therapies needed for their child. Our concept is simple: using GoFundMe to tell their compelling story and meet their fundraising goals. Parents and Bright Steps Forward will share their link with family, friends and social networks who are encouraged to support the cause with a donation and help the campaign go viral. GoFundMe works well when you are willing to actively advocate on behalf of your child for private donations.

Owen is a kind, warmhearted and very social young man. Unfortunately, he suffers from Autism and Oral Motor Dysfunction. Partly due to his Hypotonia and other physiological disabilities, he needs multiple therapies. We are asking for help to provide physical and swim therapies to help give him the strength and coordination he needs.
Joshua needs therapy

Joshua Stewart-True is one of the nation's few survivors of Shaken Baby Syndrome. Joshua's development has remarkably progressed since he started receiving therapy using a PediaSuit™ at Ft. Lauderdale's Therapies4Kids, and he needs now physical, occupational, speech and ABA therapy.
They said Lloyd would never talk

Lloyd is a 7 year happy boy who loves anything electronic. He also adores music which always brings a smile to his face especially when he is not feeling well. Things are going better since he attended ABA therapy at Therapies4kids. He is now talking, potty trained and doing a whole lot more than initially expected by his doctors, but he needs so much more to improve his quality of life.
Anthony's infection was not detected at birth
His name is Anthony Zaya, he is 7 years old. He is suffering from brain damage caused by PVL, a malady of white matter destruction inside the ventricles of his brain, which prevents him from communicating, eating by himself, walking, using the bathroom, or sitting at a table.
Help Tristan go the next step

Tristan is the second of two wonderful boys the Chelette family has been blessed with. He is four and his brother, Cody, is seven. Tristan was born in May 2002. He was a large healthy baby boy. He did all he could to keep up with his brother. He wanted to taste everything, one time his Mom even pulled two live ladybugs out of his mouth.